Parent Teacher Association

Welcome from the PTA!

All parents of Hillview students are automatically a member of Friends of Hillview School Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

The PTA volunteers offer their time to run activities throughout the year to help raise money for the school.

We welcome new members.

Everyone in the Hillview community benefits from the PTA’s activities and fundraising, and we would very much like to encourage your support for the initiatives we have.

PTA volunteers are vital for all our fundraising events, from helping prepare and run the Christmas Fair, to running coffee stalls at open days, to sorting and selling second hand uniform. You can help at one or more events throughout the year. Any time you can spare to make our fundraisers a success would be very welcome. You can do as much or as little as you want, either as a one-off or on a more regular basis. The PTA has raised thousands of pounds, which have enhanced the students’ education at Hillview in a number of ways. Our most recent donations to the school have included interactive white boards for the science department, theatre lights and a smoke machine and music stands. And if you’ve got an idea for a fundraising event, we’d love to hear from you!


Raise Funds with Easy Fundraising

Hundreds of retailers are linked to Easy Fundraising and will donate a small percentage of the cost of your shopping basket to Hillview School for Girls.

It won’t cost you an extra penny so sign up today!


Want to find out more?


Facebook: HillviewschoolPTA

Instagram: hillviewsfg_pta

Twitter: @hillviewsfg_PTA

Registered Charity No 1043634