School & Sixth-Form Admissions

To find out more about how to apply to Hillview School for Girls, please refer to our full Admissions Policy and Procedures document below.

Kent County Council emails offering September 2025 Secondary School places were sent on 3 March 2025.  

If you have been offered a place at Hillview School for Girls, please follow the guidance in the email to accept or decline the place by Monday 17 March 2025.

If you were offered a place at a school below Hillview in your preferences, you will automatically be placed on the Hillview waiting list, but we would advise accepting the offered place in the meantime.  There will be a second round of offers made on Thursday 24 April 2025.

After the second round of offers, KCC hand the school their own waiting list.  Please do not give up if you are not allocated a place in the first or even second rounds of offers as we often offer further places in the coming months.

General advice from the Department for Education on Admission Appeals can be found here

For further information and to lodge an appeal, please click the Appeals button below.

Appeal Dates & Information

Applications for Performing and Visual Arts Place – September 2026 Entry

Hillview School for Girls is a specialist Performing & Visual Arts college and, as a result of this, is able to select 10% of students based on their aptitude in one of the four Performing & Visual Arts disciplines: Dance, Drama, Music or Artistic skills.

A student with aptitude is one who is identified as being able to benefit from teaching in the Performing & Visual Arts subjects of Drama, Dance, Music or Artistic skills, or who demonstrates a particular capacity to succeed in one or more of these subjects. Through a workshop, the school will assess whether a pupil has an aptitude for a subject by determining whether they demonstrate a particular capacity to learn or to develop skills in the Performing & Visual Arts and that they can benefit from the particular expertise and facilities at the school.

Any student with Performing and Visual Arts interests is able to apply to be considered for the aptitude testing. However, we highly recommend that where there is a Performing or Visual Arts interest and the home is more than 6 miles from Hillview, parents seriously consider applying for the aptitude testing to support their application to the school.

There will be a workshop assessment in all four disciplines and a formal listening exercise in Music. The assessment will be objective, have a distinctive subject focus and will not discriminate against applicants in any way, including on the grounds of ethnic origin, disability or family background. The assessments are overseen by an independent assessor. The assessment will only assess aptitude in the four disciplines of Music, Dance, Drama or Artistic skills, and not ability or aptitude in any other subject.


The 10% selection is equally based across the four disciplines, with 2.5% of places being awarded to each area. Based on the school PAN of 236, five students will be selected based on their aptitude in Music, six students in Dance, six students in Drama and six students in Artistic skills.

The application form can be found here

The workshop assessments will be held on the afternoon of Friday 10 October 2025.

Final date for applications is Monday 6 October 2025.

Applications for In Year Casual Admissions to Years 7 to 11 should be made on the form available to download from the Kent County Council website via the link below. 

In Year Admission Form

Application forms should be sent directly to the Admissions Secretary at Hillview School for Girls by post or email
If places are not available, applicants will be placed on the school's waiting list and ordered according to the over-subscription criteria.

General advice from the Department for Education on Admission Appeals can be found here: Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals

For further information and to lodge an appeal, please click the Appeals button below.
Appeal Dates & Information 

Our annual Open Events take place in the autumn each year.  More details can be found on our Open Days page